Facelift Specialist

If you’re unhappy with the physical changes to your face that have occurred over time, such as drooping eyelids and sagging skin, you might want to think about the long-lasting benefits of a facelift. At Tayani Institute, the collaborative and experienced surgeons provide highly customized facelifts to boost confidence, resolve aesthetic concerns, and more. A facelift can turn back the clock on aging skin and give you a more youthful-looking facial complexion. Call your nearest office or use the online scheduling system.

doctor examining female patients face cosmetic treatment

Facelift Q & A

What is a facelift?

A facelift (rhytidectomy) is an aesthetic surgical procedure performed to produce a younger appearance in your face.

With a facelift, the goal is to surgically and strategically elevate your skin and tighten the underlying muscles and tissues. 

During your personal consultation in-office, your Tayani Institute surgeon discusses the facelift procedure in detail so you know what to expect and can determine if it’s the right choice for you.

Why would I choose a facelift?

A facelift procedure can resolve specific concerns, such as sagging or deepening folds of skin on the jawline and cheeks, and other changes in the shape of your face that can sometimes happen with aging and other environmental factors.

Aging and other factors can cause your skin to become looser and less elastic. Fat deposits can decrease in some areas of your face and increase in others, causing changes to your appearance. A facelift can address:

  • Sagging appearance of your cheeks
  • Excess skin at your jowls
  • Deepening of the nasolabial folds

It’s important to remember that a face-lift won’t usually decrease fine lines and wrinkles in your skin or address damage from sun exposure, such as hyperpigmentation. Other cosmetic procedures can address the appearance or quality and complexion of your skin.

What can I expect during a facelift?

A facelift can be performed either in a hospital or at a Tayani Institute surgical facility. A facelift usually involves general anesthesia.

During a facelift, your surgeon pulls back a flap of skin on each side of your face and surgically alters tissues below your skin to return the contour of your face to a more youthful shape. Your surgeon removes excess skin before suturing the flaps closed.

A neck lift (platysmaplasty) is often performed as part of a face-lift to reduce sagging skin and unwanted fat deposits on the neck. You might also want to consider a brow lift or blepharoplasty to specifically address sagging and drooping eyelids and brows.

If you’d like to explore the benefits of advanced cosmetic surgery to refresh your look and rewind time on aging skin, click to book an appointment or call Tayani Institute today.