Tears are a necessary feature of the human eye. Your eyes depend on the presence of a tear film to provide constant moisture and lubrication while maintaining vision and comfort. Dry eyes is a common condition where your tears are unable to adequately lubricate your eyes.

Tears are a combination of water for moisture, oils and mucus for lubrication, and special proteins and antibodies for immunity. Dry eye can occur when there is an imbalance or deficiency in the tear system. For instance, if you don’t produce high-quality or enough tears. For this reason, treating the underlying cause of dry eyes is imperative, or you’ll have a recurrent condition.

What Are the Symptoms of Dry Eyes?

When your tears aren’t functioning as they should, you may experience the following in your eye:

  • A stinging, burning, or scratchy sensation in your eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Pain
  • Redness and blurring of vision
  • Eye fatigue

Sometimes, a person with dry eyes may have excess tears, which is the body’s normal response to the constant inflammation and irritation. It’s important to consult your doctor if you’ve experienced dry eye symptoms for an extended period. A medical professional will conduct an eye exam to diagnose the cause of dry eyes and may measure tear production using the Schirmer test.

How Are Dry Eyes Treated?

Treatment for dry eye usually depends on the underlying cause. There are several treatment options available to you that can ease your symptoms and keep your eyes healthy.

  • Eye cleansing with iLux®

Dry eye can be caused by meibomian gland dysfunction when the glands that produce the oily layer (meibum) of the skin get blocked. The iLUX® MGD Thermal Pulsation System unblocks the meibomian glands by applying therapeutic heat at an optimal temperature to your eyelids. iLux® treatment is delivered by a medical professional, making it easier for the meibum to be released naturally.

  • Prescription eye-drops – Xiidra

If your eyes can’t make sufficient tears, your doctor may prescribe Xiidra to help your eyes make more tears and alleviate dry eye symptoms. The drug targets inflammation by blocking a protein that can cause your eyes not to produce enough tears.

  • DE3 Omega by PRN

Highly refined and concentrated omega-3 fatty acids can help provide the critical nutrition to produce healthy tears, improve tear film quality and significantly improve dry eye discomforts.

Thousands of top physicians across the country recommend the use of PRN products versus other over-the-counter Omega-3s. More than 4,000 ophthalmologists and optometrists recommend PRN products to their patients for dry or irritated eyes and support of healthy macular function.

  • Using daily contact lenses

Using daily contact lenses instead of extended wear contact lenses can help dry eyes. If you wear contact lenses and suffer from dry eye symptoms, talk to your eye care professional about newer technologies that may help your symptoms.

There are occasions when a dry eye patient just cannot tolerate contact lenses due to dry eye symptoms or allergies. In these cases, daily contact lenses may be prescribed to be worn for special occasions or sports activities.

  • Over-the-counter eye drops

Mild dry eyes can be treated using artificial tears, which you can get over the counter without a prescription. However, it’s essential to consult with your eye doctor beforehand. Some moisturizing ointments could also alleviate the discomfort.

It’s also possible to improve your dry eyes at home by applying a warm compress to your eyes, keeping your bedroom at 40% humidity while sleeping, and wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes from wind and sun.

To keep your eyes healthy, feeling comfortable, and maintaining proper levels of health supplements, contact The Tayani Institute for an evaluation.