February is American Heart Month, which serves as an important reminder to take care of our hearts! While heart health is at the forefront this month, it’s important to remember that what’s good for your heart can also be beneficial for your eye health.

Research has found that many of the conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels, such as high cholesterol and hypertension, can have an effect on the eyes. High cholesterol and high blood pressure can lead to restricted blood flow in smaller vessels, such as those in the back of the eyes. This restriction can cause retinal diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or diabetic retinopathy.

To keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of various eye diseases, here are some tips:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Stop smoking
  • Manage stress levels
  • Avoid excess sugar consumption
  • Monitor blood pressure regularly
  • Take medications prescribed by your doctor as directed.

By taking these steps, you will be doing your part to promote both overall well-being and eye health throughout American Heart Month and beyond!